
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

5 Things to Do to Help Prepare for Graduate School

For some, obtaining a bachelor’s degree means their college days are officially behind them, but for others - the ride isn’t over just yet. Graduate school is the next level of education many continue on to pursue.

Unlike college, grad school typically occurs during the “start of real life” transition - which can make the thought of it even more nerve wracking. If you’re looking to embark on this new graduate school venture, we wanted to share some things to help prepare you beforehand:

1. Find A Residence - Finding a new place to live can be a stressful task and one that should be done at your earliest convenience. While most graduate schools do not offer housing, St. John’s University has housing options available for graduate students. Due to their high demand, all forms and payment must be submitted well in advance. If you’d rather find an apartment nearby, allot enough time to find a home suitable to your needs.

2. Develop Your Interpersonal Skills - The classes one takes during grad school are designed to show you material needed for your career path. Learning how to work, communicate, collaborate, and problem solve with others will need to take place outside of the classroom. Before you begin your first graduate school semester, try to hone your interpersonal skills by working at a variety of places where interacting with others is part of the job. This skill will come in handy during your studies as well as your career.

3. Read More - Reading is one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp while increasing your intelligence. Make it a morning habit to pick up a newspaper and see what’s happening in the world. This can provide you with great insight and world knowledge that you can carry into your graduate studies.

4. Start Networking - It’s all about connections! Start attending conferences and career fairs to meet with people in your industry. Here, you will be able to gain knowledge outside of the classroom and ask questions that can enhance your studies and development. The more connections you make, the more opportunities you could have presented to you.

5. Create New Goals - If there is always something to accomplish, you will always have something to work for. Set long term goals like landing an interview at your dream company and short term goals like receiving a top grade on your term paper. Figure out your goals leading into the start of grad school - no matter how big or small, these will help keep you motivated. 

To learn what else you can do to prepare for grad school, visit USA Today’s full article.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

5 Interview Tips

Interviewing never seems to get any easier, especially if you’ve gone on more than you can count. Fear and uncertainty underlie most interview anxieties - so how can you pull yourself out of that rut? 

Whether you’ve just graduated or are a high level executive looking for a new work venture, it’s important to approach each interview with optimal confidence and the below smart strategies:
  1. Change the way you think about interviews. Interviews should simply be viewed as a conversation, a general Q&A session between you and a potential employer. It’s not uncommon for people to be swept with a wave of panic and negativity leading up to an interview. Remember, you are interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you.
  2. Avoid self-doubt. Keep your negative thoughts in check, self-doubt and fear will render you helpless. Re-frame your thinking - instead of negative thoughts like “I’ll never get this job,” consider the glass half full - “They called me for an interview, which means they were impressed with my background. I’m going to do my best to bring my resume to life for them.”
  3. Provide real life examples. When asked questions about your strengths, provide specific examples from a real life situation. While you may not have a solid example from your workplace, perhaps through your education or volunteering efforts something can connect. Leadership skills? Think about group projects or presentations you’ve led in graduate school. Perhaps you’ve participated in one of our panel discussions at St. John’s - relate that to your interviewer’s question.
  4. Turn your biggest weakness into your greatest strengths. There’s no doubt your interviewer will ask you to list some of your weaknesses - and no your weakness can’t be you have no weaknesses. Bring up some things that aren’t your strong suit and the steps you are taking to improve them. Found it hard to complete your to do list? Now you are utilizing online tools and email alerts that help you stay organized and improve your time management. In the end, bring the focus back to how the improved you can help your potential company.
  5. Take every interview opportunity that comes your way. Practice may not make perfect, but it does make how you perform. The more interviews you go on, the more you can hone your skills and feel more comfortable in the ‘hot seat.’ You’ll learn what works, what doesn’t, and what approach you will take for your next interview.
For additional tips, visit Huffington Post’s full article here.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Skills You Can Gain From Volunteering

Have you been on an interview where you were asked to provide an example of when you had to “think outside the box”? Or perhaps when you’ve overcome a challenge with your team? These commonly asked questions can sometimes be difficult to answer based on your current skillset, which is where volunteering comes into play.

Voluntary work has been known to offer rewarding experiences and opportunities, especially in terms of gaining skills you may not get to practice in your daily routine. If you're looking to broaden and diversify your competencies, below are a few transferable skills you can gain from doing voluntary work:

Time Management
You have a full time job, participate in extracurriculars, attend graduate school at St. John’s - and now you have to add a new volunteer effort to your already filled schedule. By learning to juggle multiple responsibilities, you’re better prepared to manage multiple tasks in your career setting.

Problem solving & adaptability
Doing volunteer work can be an eye opening experience in many ways. Not only will you encounter different walks of life, but often times you’ll have limited resources and be put in scenarios that will challenge you to think creatively. By applying the skills you do have to this new environment, you’ll learn to challenge yourself to do the best you can with what you have.

Confidence & passion
Whether you are a seasoned expert or just starting in your career, volunteering helps boost confidence - both in the ideas you present and in the work you are doing. The more you work hands on with a charity or organization, the more you learn about its people, mission, and values, enabling a more passionate work ethic.

Whether you are mentoring youth, cleaning up your community, or volunteering at your local shelter, you will need to communicate effectively. You may need to practice a variety of  communication methods (phone calls, emails, public speaking, etc) during your volunteer experience, which can enhance such skills in the business setting.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tips for Choosing the Right Grad School!

Choosing a college or university for graduate studies is much more than going with the school with the highest ranking or best word-of-mouth reputation. After all, your time, effort, and money is at stake. Graduate school is a big commitment which is what makes choosing the right school such an important decision.

Keep the below tips in mind while considering which graduate school is right for you:

Do Enough Research: Avoid waiting a few weeks before an application deadline to start conducting your research. Give yourself at least six months in advance to fully review potential university’s websites, create a spreadsheet comparing and contrasting schools and programs of interest, then based on your research, hone in on your choices.

Know Yourself and Your Industry: Remember to find the school that is best fit for you right now. Not what you used to want or what other people have told you. By now, you likely know if you prefer the hustle and bustle of a city or a quaint college town. Pursue a graduate school the meets that criteria. Additionally, get a solid understanding of the industry you are pursing by connecting with professionals in your field. Make sure their realities are something you envision for your future.

Visit Campuses: A campus may seem great in theory, but to really seal the deal you should try and arrange for an in person visit. If the college or university is too far, that visit may be difficult. Check to see if they offer virtual tours instead - so you can take a gander in the comfort of your own home. SJU offers virtual tours of our Queens and Staten Island campuses for interested students.

Talk to Current Students: What better than hearing first hand experiences? Here at St. John’s University we want to help set your mind at ease by providing you with the opportunity to connect directly with a current SJU graduate student. You can ask what you feel is important, and you will receive an honest and timely reply from someone who personally knows what it’s like to pursue graduate studies at St. John’s.

Explore Different Types of Programs: Traditional classroom college experiences aren’t always right for everyone, so consider your options. Look into schools that offer a variety of learning experiences from traditional, to online learning, and even study abroad experiences.

With so many schools and programs available it is important to do your research in order to make an informed decision about where to apply. This way when time comes to enroll, you can look forward to a much richer and confident experience.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

How to Become More Charismatic

Looking to set yourself apart from a crowd and leave your mark? The secret may lie in your charisma.

Charisma: a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.

While you may feel like you aren’t as charismatic as your peers or colleagues, developing charisma isn’t out of reach. No matter your personality, there are traits you can apply to your own behavior that can help you seem more magnetic, trustworthy, and influential.
Be alert, be present: Perhaps the most important thing to remember when developing charisma: it’s not about you. Challenge yourself to listen to every word that comes out of a speaker’s mouth - invest all of your attention on them. Look people in the eye, smile when appropriate, and keep your energy high and engaged. Be positive, speak confidently, and keep your ego down.

Practice eye contact: Going along with the above, good eye contact can often communicate more than words. Proper eye contact expresses you care, you are listening, and you respect the person you are speaking to. The eyes carry many emotions and nuances, you’ll begin picking up on these through your practice.

Dress appropriately: You must look the part. A first impression is quickly made upon what you are wearing. Given the social setting your find yourself in, be sure to choose an ensemble that is  appropriate and reads success.

Be expressive: Put yourself in a state of mind that keeps you aware of your behavior. Standing stiff? Ease up. Don’t be afraid to express with your body how you feel. People enjoy being around others with a vocabulary of expressive gestures - so long as they’re appropriate.

Practice mirroring: We’ve all been in a situation where someone commands the room or an audience, but have you really observed them? Next time, match the person’s physical mannerism and energy level and then fine tune them until they fit you. Emulate the people you know are likable

Whether you’re attending a job fair or networking with a group of industry professionals, you can enhance your presence by becoming more charismatic. For additional tips, please visit
Business Insider or Life Hacker.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Personal Finance Tips Post Graduation

Post graduation can be a whirlwind between planning your future, securing jobs, and preparing to pay back student loans. We know how valuable guidance can be during this transition and as such wanted to help share some advice. Embark on your next chapter of life with confidence by keeping the below personal finance tips in mind:

It’s important to live within your means. Evaluate your current financial standing - do you have any debt, how much do you have set aside in savings, how much money are you currently bringing in. Also consider your loan statements and their deadlines. An online monthly budget planner can be a great starting point to help you stick with a lifestyle you can afford.

Plan for the future.
This may not be at the forefront of your mind, but you’ll thank yourself later if you begin planning for retirement now. Start by taking a small percentage of your paycheck and putting it towards your retirement savings. Check your 401(k) options that are offered at your job, try to contribute enough money to receive a company match. Additionally, incase of emergency, have an account set aside with enough money to cover three to six months of basic living expenses in case of illness or unemployment.

Have health insurance.
Are you one of the lucky ones who is fit as a fiddle and hasn’t been sick in years? Way to go! But this still doesn’t mean you should be without health insurance. A bad accident or an unforeseen illness could be ruinously expensive. Apply for health insurance through your work (or if possible, remain on your parent’s policy until you’re 26) or shop around for benefits and find a high deductible policy.

Stay on top of student loans and bills.
If loans are not tackled right away they can quickly get out of hand. Understand your repayment process, when deadlines are, if you should consolidate, etc. Speak to your loan provider or visit for more information.

Remember to make adjustments on your finances on a regular basis. Revisit the amounts you have set for repayment, savings, etc. every few months to ensure they are still relevant and working effectively. Have any post graduation finance tips to share? Leave us a comment on our Facebook page!

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Consider a Master of Arts in Criminology and Justice

If you are passionate about working in the field of criminology? Kick-start your career with a Master of Arts degree in Criminology and Justice from St. John's University!

In just as little as three semesters, you can complete this 33-credit program and gain the academic foundation and skills needed to thrive in the criminal justice industry. By combining theory and practical applications, our Masters program prepares students to continue their education or get a job upon graduation. Recent St. John's alumni are currently employed at a variety of state and government organizations, including:
  • NYPD
  • New York City Department of Investigations
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Drug Enforcement Administration
  • Social Security Administration
  • And more!

What are you waiting for? Begin your pursuit of a Master's degree as early as Fall 2015! For more information about our Master of Arts degree in Criminology and Justice, click here or contact department chair Dawn Esposito at 718-990-6295.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Monday, June 22, 2015

5 Job Search Tips

Whether you have just graduated college or you are looking to make a mid-career job switch, searching for a new employment opportunity can be frustrating. There are enough job-search websites to make your head spin and keeping hope can be difficult after weeks of applying without receiving a single call-back.

If you are ready to take your job-hunting to the next level and finally land that interview, try using these five tips.

Look online. While it shouldn't be your only resource, the internet is a good place to begin your job search. Websites such as Monster, CareerBuilder, and Indeed have tens of thousands of job openings, with hundreds more added each day. You can also look at niche job search sites tailored to your specific geographic location or industry.

Utilize your network. Besides the internet, your personal network is the best chance you have at finding a job. According to the Wall Street Journal, as much as 50% of all job openings are never actually advertised. Instead, these positions are filled based on the references of a company's current employees. If you are serious about finding a job, ask your friends and family members to inquire about open positions at their companies – you might just get a lead or two.

Perfect your resume and cover letter. When it comes to your job search, your resume and cover letter are your two most valuable tools. Check them for grammatical errors, double check them, then check them again. Tailor your resume and cover letter for the particular job you are applying for, don't just attach the same generic document to every application. For more tips on writing an effective resume, click here.

Clean up your social media profiles. Roughly 91% of all employers admit to checking an applicant's social media profiles during the hiring process. Questionable pictures, suspicious activity, and excessive profanity are all sure-fire ways to remove yourself from their list of qualified candidates.

Go the extra mile. When it comes to setting yourself apart from the rest, the little things make a big difference. Print out your resume on resume paper and use an original header that stands out. Do research to find the hiring manager's name instead of writing “to whom it may concern” on your cover letter. Always follow up an interview with a hand-written “thank you” note. Doing things like this can go a long way towards getting yourself hired.

Want more advice? Check out this series of articles from the Huffington Post if you are serious about landing a job!

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Consider a Master of Arts in Government and Politics - in Rome!

Reminder to interested applicants - there is still time to apply to the MA program in Rome! Applications are being accepted through July 1st.

Photo via St. John's
The Department of Government and Politics, Graduate Division of St. John’s College of Liberal Arts and Science, offers students the opportunity to complete their M.A. Government and Politics degree with a focus on International Relations at the university’s Rome campus.

At our Rome campus, we offer the unique cultural resources of a great European capital combined with the world-class courses and faculty of St. John’s. Students will become experts in composing policy briefs and reports, drafting and evaluating project proposals, resolutions, and public statements, as well as completing in depth evaluations of global events and trends.

Graduates holding a master’s degree in government and politics are well-suited to a wide array of career opportunities: from a policy-making career in the Civil or Foreign Service, to a position at the United Nations, a policy think-tank, an international NGO, a major multi-national corporation, or a dynamic start-up in positions of political or administrative responsibility. Recent alumni have secured positions within federal agencies, the US Senate, the CIA, NGOs, major corporations, as well as media conglomerates.

Students are also able to complete a Certificate in International Law and Diplomacy, which can be obtained independently or as a complement to the Master’s degree.

For more information please contact Margherita Panzera, Assistant Dean Rome Campus: (from US: 212-815-9216).

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be! 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Consider a Master of Science in Chemistry

Do you wish to work in a government laboratory, conduct private research, or teach your knowledge of chemistry to aspiring students? If so, you should get your M.S. in Chemistry through the Graduate Division of St. John's University!

Our widely-respected master's degree program provides a scholarly environment in which students work closely with distinguished faculty members. In addition to preparing graduates to pursue a doctoral degree in the field, our master's program in chemistry also comprises a broad range of specialized courses such as:
  • Organic and inorganic chemistry
  • Computer applications in chemistry
  • Electronic spectra and group theory
  • Methods of analysis
  • Reaction kinetics
  • Quantum chemistry

We also offer graduate assistance programs for select qualified students, who can receive a stipend and tuition remission by supervising undergraduate laboratory activities. We strongly encourage potential applicants to visit our office during open hours or schedule a personal informational interview with our Office of Graduate Admission.

For more information about our Master of Science degree program in Chemistry, please click here.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

4 Tips for Writing an Effective Resume

We all know the importance of a good resume. One which is strongly-crafted is sure to land you multiple interviews, but one which is poorly-written will leave you job searching for months. Use these four tips when constructing your resume to give yourself the best possible chance at getting a call-back from an employer.

Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for. One of the biggest mistakes that job applicants make while sending out their resumes is the “one size fits all” approach. Sure, sending out the same resume to every employer may save you some time, but it is less likely to land you an interview. Choose quality over quantity and customize your resume to fit the needs that the employer is seeking in their job description.

Keep it one-page long. The ideal length of a resume is a hotly-debated topic among experts, but one thing is clear: whether it is one or two pages, it should be one or two full pages. Not one and one-half. Not one and three-quarters. If you are just graduating from school and looking to start your career, you should be able to fit your experience on to one page. Even if you have to delete a couple of clubs or awards to make it fit, it will give you extra talking points during your interview.

Use bullet points. Hiring managers do not have the time nor patience to read through several paragraphs. When structuring your resume's main selling points, stick to bullet points and short sentences. Don't worry about the nitty-gritty details, you can get to that stuff during the interview.

Include specific numbers and data when available. Numbers, percentages, and dollar totals all stand out when an employer is scanning your resume, and these can help set you apart from other applicants. Here is an example showing two different ways to write the same job description:
  • Bad: Managed client's assets.
  • Good: Managed $25M worth of assets for 12 clients, averaging a 9% return-on-investment.

For more resume-writing tips, check out this article from

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tips for Preparing for Graduate School

Congratulations - you’ve been accepted to a St. John’s University graduate program! While your enrollment may not start for a few months, there are some things you can do ahead of time to make sure you are well prepared.

See below for a few tips to help you set yourself up for success:

Have all your documents in order: To avoid any complications, make sure any student and financial aid forms have been completed and are on file prior to beginning your semester. Aside from enrollment specific documents, you may need to purchase a parking pass if you are attending campus and secure your StormCard.

Learn about your peers: In an increasingly connected world - this task hasn’t been easier. LinkedIn provides some great groups for St. John’s students to connect and network. Additionally, you may ask your adviser to put you in connect with students already in the program should you have any questions or concerns.

Research the curriculum: When you receive your syllabus, read through it entirely and secure the reading material ahead of time to familiarize yourself with your upcoming workload. Once you connect to some peers or students already in your program, ask them any questions you may have about electives or classes you need to take.

Explore ways to get involved: Consider how you can get involved with your program, students, and campus outside of the classroom. Whether it be student groups or looking into graduate assistantship programs, there are a lot of ways to develop personal friendships and advance your professional network.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Consider a Master of Science in Pharmacology

At St. John’s University, our programs leading to the Master of Science degree are designed to equip individuals to contribute to advances in the areas of pharmacy, allied health, and the biosciences. 

Students studying for the Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences can look to specialize in Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Industrial Pharmacy, or Pharmacotherapeutics and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

Wondering why you should choose St. John’s University's MS Pharmacology program? Or perhaps you are interested in what students currently enrolled are working on. Get up close with Shruthi Gobbooru and see what she has to say in this #GradSJU presents:

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Friday, May 22, 2015

5 Job Interview Tips

By now you probably know the importance of arriving to an interview promptly, dressing appropriately, and bringing hard copies of your resume. However aside from these run-of-the-mill preparation tips, there are a few things that not everyone may be conscious of.

See below for some important job interview tips to utilize while on the job hunt:

Clean Up Your Social Sites - About 91% of employers will screen a candidate’s social platforms for any red flags - think “suspicious” images or profanity. As such, you’ll want to make sure you are proud of the image you’ve put out on social media. Nervous some of your skeletons may be found? Let Social Sweepster clean up your pages for you.

Craft Your Story Statement - Most interviews start with the same prompt, “Tell me about yourself,” or “Walk me through your resume.” Instead of simply reciting your resume and cover letter, talk about hobbies you have in addition to “real” experience that relates to the position. A Story Statement shows you are a person, not only a professional.

Do Your Research - Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the company and position you are applying for. Review the employer’s website, social channels, and set Google alerts. This way anytime a new story appears online regarding your intended company, you can receive an email alert to stay in the know.

Don’t Disguise Your Weaknesses - When asked about strengths and weaknesses, the interviewer is expecting a real response. But keep in mind, explaining your weaknesses isn’t really what the question is asking - rather showing the steps you’ve taken to overcome them.

Ask Smart Questions - Smart questions do not include anything about paid time off or salary, but rather questions that show your desire to be part of the company (“What have you enjoyed most about working here?” or “How would you describe the ideal candidate?”). These questions can be genuine while still conveying something new about you, like for example: “I was fortunate to work with Habitat for Humanity in college, as a full time employee are there company-wide community service events I could take part in?

For more tips to help before, during, and after your interview - check out this Forbes article.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tips for Enhancing Your Resume This Summer

Short-Term Programs @ SJU
To our recent graduates - congratulations! To those with a job lined up, an even bigger job well done. For others, now may either be a time of self reflection prior to entering into the career world or simply a break until the Fall semester begins. 

Regardless of where you stand and your future plans as of late, it's always a good time to work on making your resume stand out among the rest in a competitive job market. See below for a few tips that we put together to help you enhance yours this summer:

Travel - If you haven’t had the chance and have always wanted to - travel the world! If still enrolled here at SJU - look into one of our study abroad programs. At St. John’s, we provide students with a global campus that allows a seamless experience from location to location. Ask your adviser about opportunities at our Rome, Italy campus or the wide variety of other study abroad programs.

The benefits? Not only does exploring new cultures enhance communication skills, but it reassures an employer that their prospect is open minded and willingly adapts to new environments. 

Volunteer - Whether in your local community or abroad, there are countless volunteer opportunities at your finger tips. This can be something outside of your career field and focus on a hobby or passion you’ve wanted to pursue. You’ll learn to work with different types of people as well as open the door to learning a new skill or trade.

The benefits?
Volunteering can help improve your leadership and project management skills, as well as shows you are a socially responsible person, willing to help.

Learn a new language - If you are one of our International Students, you may already have the advantage (the ability to speak both English as well as your native tongue fluently). Why not look to add another language to your repertoire? Additionally, if you only speak English, now may be the time to get to know the basics of another language.

The benefits?
Being bi-lingual or multilingual can open a lot more doors and opportunities in the future. Especially in the communications, diplomacy, business, or economics fields.

Develop a skill - Whether it’s improving upon a skill you already have or developing new skills you think employers would find beneficial, the sky’s the limit. You can sign up for free courses or workshops within your community as well as take advantage of free online classes or tutorials. Technology skills are becoming more and more beneficial in the workplace and thus may be something you look into.

The benefits? Possessing a variety of skills (especially those that are in demand) can not only open the door to different opportunities but also highlight your expertise in field related tasks - not to mention, it may mean less training on your part!

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tips for Paying Off Student Loans

College loans are one of the most common financial obstacles that people face in life. Whether you’re just graduating or have already begun repaying your student loans, you know how much of a burden they can be.

To help make the experience less stressful, see below for some tips to help keep your student loan debt under control:

Know your loans: First and foremost, it’s important to know and understand your loans. Meaning keeping track of the lender, balance, and repayment status of each. It’s also important to remember that different loans have different grace periods - meaning the amount of time you can wait after leaving school before needing to make your first payment.

Pick the right repayment option: When your federal loans come due, they’ll automatically be spread over a 10-year repayment plan. If this is going to be hard for you to cover, you can select a different method of repayment. Keep in mind that lowering your monthly payments will extend your repayment period beyond 10 years - this means you’ll end up paying more interest over the life of the loan.

Pay the most expensive loans first: If possible, look to pay off your loans with the highest interest rates first. Even if this loan isn’t the largest dollar amount, eliminating the highest interest rates will help you pay less in additional charges over time.

Don’t panic! Life happens and sometimes due to unemployment, health problems, or other unexpected financial challenges, managing your loans can become difficult. There are legitimate ways to temporarily postpone your loan payments, such as deferments and forbearance.

For more tips and information related to repaying student loans, click here »

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Upcoming Payment Deadlines For Summer 2015 Classes

While for many May marks the end of the academic year, for others it is a transition period between the spring and summer semesters. And although there is still some time in between to breathe and enjoy the summer sun, we'd like to take this opportunity to remind all returning students about next semester's tuition due dates.

Please see below for the payment deadlines for upcoming Summer Sessions, as a reminder, all are due in FULL on the following dates:

Pre-Session - May 11, 2015                                           LAW Pre-Session - May 11, 2015

Summer I - May 18, 2015                                               LAW Summer - May 18, 2015

Summer II – May 18, 2015                                             LAW Summer Rome - May 18, 2015

Post-Session - August 10, 2015

Remember - even if you are registered for multiple sessions, your entire summer tuition must be paid by the due date of the FIRST SESSION for which you are registered. Otherwise, a late fee of $100 will be applied at the end of business for each of the above dates.

If you can't pay your balance in full, take advantage of St. John's University's Summer Payment Plan. The plan includes a down payment of 50% of your balance at time of enrollment, plus a $75 enrollment fee. From there, you'll have on remaining installment paid by Auto Pay payment due June 16th. Enrollment for this plan closes on May 18th, so log in to UIS and click the "Enroll in Payment Plan" link at the bottom of View/Confirm Term Bill. Watch the Payment Plan Tutorial with step by step instructions on how to enroll into a payment plan. If you have any questions concerning your account, please contact Student Financial Services at 718-990-2000 or via email:

  • If you owe nothing or have a credit, you MUST confirm your attendance through UIS. Login UIS, click Student, click Registration, click View/Confirm Term Bill. Choose Summer 2015 from the drop down menu and click on the Confirm Enrollment button.
  • If you add another summer class after you have paid/confirmed for one class, you must review your new charges on UIS-View Term Bill as you would be already listed as confirmed for the whole summer term and will be subject to the liability of the additional class if proper withdrawal procedures are not done.
  • When you register for a class, St. John's University considers your registration to be a clear indication of your intention to attend that class. If you change your mind about attending class or if circumstances prevent you from attending, you must process your withdrawal online on UIS immediately within the online deadline or notify us officially of your change in status. Please refer to the Registrar webpage for information on withdrawals.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Study Tips for Final Exams

Photo via St. John's University
Final exams are underway and while hopefully you’ve already been preparing for testing, there are still some last minute things that can be done to help your body(and mind) get the test preparation it needs:

SLEEP: One of the single most important things you can do to prepare for any test. Studies have shown that being well rested directly effects how much information you retain and how well you perform. Make sure you get several good night’s of sleep leading up to your exam.

Go somewhere else: Studying in your apartment or home can be distracting. Change up the location and head somewhere new to set up shop to get your last minute review in. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean the library, though St. John’s does offer such great amenities, but perhaps even your local coffee shop or bookstore.

Rewrite: Step away from the electronics! Studies have shown the the simple act of putting pen to paper can help you to retain information. Rewrite only the important information into smaller pieces, keeping only what’s necessary and eliminating any fluff. This will help to trim down your reading and review time.

Focus on the major points: Devote some time to reviewing the major concepts. Look at the syllabus, skim through notes for common topics, and develop a study guide to help you hammer home the basics. This will help you learn more about the connections between topics, as well as be able to answer more questions intelligently.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Upcoming Application Deadlines

While the semester is winding down for most grad students, those looking to apply to one of St. John's University's programs have deadlines approaching! Most of our graduate programs operate on a rolling admission basis – allowing you to apply anytime. However certain programs have specific application deadlines, such as the below:

St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - May 1 for Fall Programs
The Peter J. Tobin College of Business - May 1 for Fall M.B.A. and M.S.
College of Professional Studies  - May 1 for Fall Programs
The School of Education - May 15th for Summer Semester

Once your application and other necessary documents are received, we will forward them to the appropriate department for review.

NOTE: Applications and corresponding documents must be submitted by the respective departmental deadlines. Please allow 2-3 business days for documents to be received by the University. (Required documents for completion vary.)

For more information about the programs available or the application process, please visit us on the web.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Monday, April 20, 2015

What Does a Master of Arts in Public History Provide?

Those who study Public History share a commitment to documenting, preserving, and interpreting cultural resources for public consumption.

A Masters Degree in Public History, Museum Studies, or Library Science opens the door for countless career opportunities.  Students who have pursued this course of study have gone on to work in many different fields, attaining positions such as archivists, museum curators, documentarians and historians.  St. John’s Public History program enables students to gain the theoretical knowledge and work experience necessary to be successful in these fields, requiring students to maintain electronic portfolios to document and share their work.

Students interested in pursuing a masters degree in Public History should possess a strong background in the humanities and social sciences, as well as a familiarity with media technologies and a commitment to community service.  Students admitted to the program are also encouraged to pursue a Master of Science degree from St. John's American Library Association accredited Division of Library Science.

Included in this program of study is a 240-hour internship, to be completed under the supervision of a faculty member.  Through this program, students have been afforded opportunities to intern at the City Museum of New York, the American Museum of Natural History, and Ellis Island National Historic Park.

For more information about pursuing a Master of Arts in Public History here at St. John’s University visit our website or contact Dr. Kristin Szylvian at

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Upcoming Events: 6th Annual IECHE: April 15-18

Photo Courtesy of IECHE
The International Exhibition and Conference on Higher Education is considered to be one of the largest educational events in the Middle East. Gearing up for its 6th session this week in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, St. John’s University will be exhibiting Wednesday-Saturday!

Wednesday - Thursday 15-16 April 2015
From 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Friday 17 April 2015
From 4:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Saturday 18 April 2015
From 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Wondering where St. John’s Office of Graduate Admission will be next? Find Us on the Road here »

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be. Explore our website to learn more about earning your master’s degree, doctoral degree, or professional certificate online, in New York or in Rome.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Upcoming April Graduate Events

Looking for an opportunity to speak directly with graduate admission representatives, deans and professors from our acclaimed master's and doctoral degree programs here at St. John’s University? Well you’re in luck. 

We know that making the decision to attend a graduate program involves much preparation, that’s why we offer Open House events and information sessions, on campus or online, to help our prospective students make that decision with confidence. 

See below for the list of our upcoming events:
April 9th
Peter J. Tobin College of Business – Graduate Programs Information Session
6p - 7p at our Manhattan Campus 

April 16th
The School of Education - Graduate Open House
7p at our Queens Campus: Suite D in the University Center

April 22nd
Peter J. Tobin College of Business – Graduate Programs Online Chat
11a - 12p, online - register here »
April 29th
Peter J. Tobin College of Business – Graduate Programs Information Session
7p - 8p at our Staten Island Campus: DaSilva 213 
Please visit the Events section of our website for additional information.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Earn your master’s degree, doctoral degree, or professional certificate online, in New York, or in Rome.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Consider pursing a Master of Public Health at St. John’s University!

As the global community faces potential pandemics, HIV/AIDS, and other disasters, the national community faces staggering rates of non-communicable diseases, increasing health care costs, and health disparities. As such, the Public Health program at St. John’s University - the first of its kind in Queens, NY - was created to address this urgent need and demand for public health professionals.

What is Public Health? Public health protects and improves the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations both locally and globally. Those in the public health field help to solve some of the world’s most pressing health problems.

Public health professionals preform an array of essential services, ranging from evaluating population-based health services to developing programs to promote health and prevent disease. The program at St. John’s University works to address poverty and social injustice by empowering individuals to work with local and global communities to improve health and protect the public.

Career outcomes vary based on the discipline and setting, see below for some examples:
Graduate admission at St. John’s University is competitive and selective. Admission to the Master of Public Health (MPH) program in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is based on an applicant's academic record, recommendation letters, GRE scores and other factors that reflect a student's academic potential and motivation for successful graduate study. For additional information on admission requirements and the program overall - please visit our website.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for Graduate School

While you can’t change your GPA and final exam scores, you do have complete control over the contents of your personal statement. With so many applicants and limited spots, it’s crucial to persuade your readers that you will fit their program given your professional and scholarly accomplishments, interests, and goals. But how?

Here's a few tips that can help you do just that:

Just start writing - Sure you want to have an intriguing and attention grabbing first sentence, but you don’t want to dwell for so long you induce writer’s block. Either make an outline or just start free writing. Once you get through the bulk of your statement, head back to the beginning to perfect your introduction.

Highlight your goals as a scholar - Personal statements should not be an autobiography, but rather an overview of your journey as a scholar in your chosen field. Be sure to articulate your reasons for selecting your career path, describe the courses, professors, articles, internships, or other research that has helped shape your aspirations.

One size doesn’t fit all - Remember, while programs and curriculum's may be similar, each institution has its own mission, values, and faculty. Be sure to include what in particular drove you to apply - was it the research interests of a professor or an emphasis on a particular characteristic of the program?

Use concrete examples - Provide examples from recent presentations, research assignments, and employment experiences to demonstrate your motivation and capacity to succeed in the program. Research experience in particular is valuable as you likely will need to immerse yourself in this activity during your graduate studies.

Carefully proofread and refine the essay - Be meticulous! Proofread your essay very carefully, poor grammar and the wrong use of language stick out like a soar thumb to an admissions officer. Adhere to the stated word limits and express yourself clearly and concisely.

Have you already gone through the application process and have a tip we missed? Share with us on our Facebook page!

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Consider a Master of Science in School Psychology

In a response to the growing need for school psychologists to ensure the safety and mental health of our children, the field of school psychology is flourishing - especially for those holding graduate degrees. Prepare yourself for this thriving field by pursing a Master of Science in School Psychology Program here at St. John's University!

Completion of the 66-credit Master of Science program in School Psychology at our Queens and Oakdale Long Island campuses qualifies students for a provisional New York State certificate that authorizes practice as a school psychologist. After the graduate completes two years of work experience, they receive a permanent certificate in the field of pupil personnel service.

Both a general track and a bilingual track of study are offered at full or part time schedules. For the detailed course schedules and admission information, please visit our website »

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. Our highly competitive advanced degree programs will challenge you to become the very best you can possibly be!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Is Grad School Right for You?

St. John's University

You may be in a place right now where you are reconsidering options for your future. Perhaps even with your four-year degree, you are feeling unfulfilled in your career and your educational background. As such, you may start to feel the temptations of pursuing grad school - and these temptations can be overwhelming.

You already know the advantages of a graduate degree - the opportunity to advance your career or change career paths altogether, make a higher salary, have time for personal growth and development, etc. But how will you manage time between work, school, and everyday life? Is it even worth it? Spoiler alert, in most cases a master’s degree or PhD is well worth the challenge.

Like everything else, graduate studies may not be right for everyone - but if it is right for you, the following will likely apply:

  • You have a clear set of goals and you feel like grad school can help you in achieving them
  • While it may be difficult, you feel you have the necessary time and energy to devote to graduate studies. **Extremely important for full time employees, but it should also be noted that with the proper planning, working full time while pursing a grad degree IS possible!
  • You are passionate about the subject or subjects you plan on studying - not necessarily crucial, but it’ll certainly help in getting through the workload.
  • You tend to thrive in academic environments, regardless of how long its been since you’ve been in school
If the above checks out, it’s time to get started! Consider how you want to earn your degree, full time or part time, in person, online, or abroad.

The graduate schools at St. John’s University in New York City offer more than 60 graduate degree and professional certificate programs in five acclaimed colleges, a School of Law, and institute dedicated solely to the growing field of biotechnology. You have the option to earn your master’s degree, doctoral degree, or professional certificate online, in New York, or in Rome.

For more information, please give us a call at 718-990-2000 or visit us on the web!