
Thursday, July 9, 2015

How to Become More Charismatic

Looking to set yourself apart from a crowd and leave your mark? The secret may lie in your charisma.

Charisma: a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.

While you may feel like you aren’t as charismatic as your peers or colleagues, developing charisma isn’t out of reach. No matter your personality, there are traits you can apply to your own behavior that can help you seem more magnetic, trustworthy, and influential.
Be alert, be present: Perhaps the most important thing to remember when developing charisma: it’s not about you. Challenge yourself to listen to every word that comes out of a speaker’s mouth - invest all of your attention on them. Look people in the eye, smile when appropriate, and keep your energy high and engaged. Be positive, speak confidently, and keep your ego down.

Practice eye contact: Going along with the above, good eye contact can often communicate more than words. Proper eye contact expresses you care, you are listening, and you respect the person you are speaking to. The eyes carry many emotions and nuances, you’ll begin picking up on these through your practice.

Dress appropriately: You must look the part. A first impression is quickly made upon what you are wearing. Given the social setting your find yourself in, be sure to choose an ensemble that is  appropriate and reads success.

Be expressive: Put yourself in a state of mind that keeps you aware of your behavior. Standing stiff? Ease up. Don’t be afraid to express with your body how you feel. People enjoy being around others with a vocabulary of expressive gestures - so long as they’re appropriate.

Practice mirroring: We’ve all been in a situation where someone commands the room or an audience, but have you really observed them? Next time, match the person’s physical mannerism and energy level and then fine tune them until they fit you. Emulate the people you know are likable

Whether you’re attending a job fair or networking with a group of industry professionals, you can enhance your presence by becoming more charismatic. For additional tips, please visit
Business Insider or Life Hacker.

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